IIERD Forum Provides you the opportunity to publish the papers in highly reputed peer-reviewed International Journals. Currently, ASAR has two categories of Journals as mentioned below: List-A Journals and List-B Journals.
List-B journals are Scopus/UGC/Web of Science/SCI Indexed Journals. To publish in the journals the author needs to submit the paper to us or send a request to contact.iierd@gmail.com.
For publication in the List-B(Scopus/UGC/Web of Science/SCI)Indexed the author needs to pay the nominal extra charges (not included in the conference registration fees.
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering(IJMPE)
Impact Factor: 4.022
- International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication(IJEEDC)
Impact Factor: 3.46
- International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking(IJACEN)
Impact Factor: 3.2
- International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence(IJSCAI)
Impact Factor: 1.95
- International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS)
Impact Factor: 4.1
- International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering(IJAMCE)
Impact Factor: 3.46
- International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering(IJIEEE)
Impact Factor: 3.2
- International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)
Impact Factor: 3.15
- International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing(IJACSCC)
Impact Factor: 2.05
- International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science (IJAECS)
Impact Factor: 2.68
Email us contact.iierd@gmail.com to get the APC, Complete list of Scopus/UGC/Web of Science/SCI Indexed Journals associated with us, and the Publication Procedure
Important Information:
The IIERD Forum can submit the extended version of registered conferences papers to the above International journals (List-A and List-B) with the written request from the author of the papers.
Cost of Publication
in List-A Journal is Free (Only online Publication) for all IIERD Forum Registered Papers and authors need not pay if it’s got selected for the journal for online publication.
in List-B Journal is 150 USD to 500USD per paper which will not be included in the ASAR conference registration fees. Email us to get the exact Publication charges (APC) of a particular journal.
For List-A Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 90 days after the day of the Conference.
For List-B Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 120 days after the day of the conference (may exceed 6 months).